From education to employment

Pitman Training Urges Long Term Solution Rather Than Searching for Instant Pots of Gold

In a bid to raise the awareness of the need for hard work and discipline in furthering individual development, Pitman Training UK, the UK’s leading provider of office and IT skills training is urging everyone who is thinking of improving their job prospects by considering a training course.

This is supported by Michael Graham, managing director of Pitman Training, who wrote: “It seems that these days every other company seems to be offering the quick fix solution to all our problems. We know we need to lose weight, for example, but instead of exercising and cooking real food, we wait until the next advert promises us the miracle cure of the week.

“Why spend valuable time doing all the right things when a pill will shed those pounds while we carry on snacking?” he continued. “The same applies to achieving our professional goals. There is no quick fix for career enhancement ““ you have to work at it. No-one’s ever succeeded by sitting on their laurels and waiting for their dreams to come true.”

A Young Professional Looking for Development

Ade Ogunjobi agrees. Ambitious throughout his life, Ade ““ a graduate with a BSc in economics – was working as a call centre manager but felt that he had stalled in terms of his personal ambitions and had gone as far as he could go. He said: “I had a good job, with a good salary, and it would have been easy for me to keep plodding along, but it’s a long time to retirement, and a long time to be unhappy in a job.”

In this instance, blood was thicker than water, and Ade’s sister came to his rescue, suggesting that he should stop moping and retrain for a better career while he was still working. “I”d always been interested in figures and a bookkeeping course appealed,” said Ade, recollecting the time. “Having done my research, I contacted my local Pitman Training centre. There, they tested my capability and recommended that I studied for their Accounting Technician Diploma. They were so positive and I knew they were right, but I wasn”t ready. I didn”t have the confidence to get started. I kept asking myself, “but what if I fail?”

Eventually, Ade mustered the courage to fight his fears and returned to studying, some ten years after first graduating. “It was hard at first and at times I worried I”d never make the grade but it’s been worth it,” he said. “I can do bookkeeping manually or on Sage Line 50, understand payroll and final accounts. My career looks like it’s set to take off.” Ade realises as well that job satisfaction in this instance will mean a temporary pay cut, but he is happy. Furthermore, he is certain that this initial set-back will benefit him in the long run, having finally found the career he wants to see through to retirement.

Michael Graham continued to highlight the need for development, saying: “If you are unhappy with the direction your life and career is heading (or not), get out there and get yourself trained. Prise yourself off the sofa and head to a reputable training establishment. Office based training and personal development isn”t just geared to women. Make yourself and your CV stand out from the rest, and stop wishing for things that you”ll never get without putting the effort in.”

Jethro Marsh

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