ATTFE College Stakeholder Engagement Event – A huge success!
ATTFE College is a local community-focused college which supports and delivers Further Education and Adult Learning opportunities across the North Nottinghamshire area.
On Tuesday 29th November ATTFE College successfully delivered their annual Stakeholder Engagement event at Alfreton Hall. The purpose of the event was to update local stakeholders on the objectives of the college as well as capturing valuable views and input from local stakeholders about opportunities for partnership working to provide further impact and benefits to the local community.
The event was well attended with representation from over 40 stakeholder organisations including local authority representatives, YMCA, Age Uk Notts, and Mansfield and Ashfield 2020 Ltd. Guest speaker Mike Firth OBE represented the Education and Skills Funding Agency giving a presentation outlining the future of education and the importance that stakeholders play in shaping local curriculum and learning opportunities.
‘Stakeholders are key to our work and the impact we have on our local communities. Today’s event has provided the perfect opportunity to network and converse with new and existing partners, gathering crucial feedback to shape our future delivery and the impact we can achieve’ Liz Barrett OBE, Principal at ATTFE College.
‘It was lovely attending todays event. It amazes me to hear the work that ATTFE College and their team do in the local area’ Katie Mills, Senior Property and Construction Project Manager, Kinver Business Solutions Ltd ATTFE College has recently released its new termly marketing booklet advertising the vast array of courses and community activities it has to offer in the New Year. Courses on offer include cooking skills, employability and functional skills. In addition, the College now offers a variety of community events and activities from its new Community Hub in the Idlewells Shopping Centre as well as weekly food pantries to support those facing the effects of the cost of living crisis. For more information about ATTFE’s Courses and activities visit follow us on social media or call our enquiries line on 01623 441310
