New Register of apprenticeship training providers digital service planned to go live from 17 May

Application guidance for joining the Register of apprenticeship training providers (#RoATP).
This new digital service is planned to go live from 17 May 2021.
Organisations that are eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.
Register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP)
Organisations that are eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.
Key changes to the RoATP
The register of apprenticeship training providers closed for new applications on Wednesday 15 April 2020. This was due to the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) may have had on apprenticeship training providers and the ESFA.
The RoATP is only open for providers that meet the criteria for the exceptions process for critical worker – linked provisions.
From 1 April 2021, Ofsted has become the single body responsible for the inspection of apprenticeship training provision at all levels. Read this announcement for further information.
Widening of the current ‘employer provider’ entry condition
Any levy-paying employers delivering services critical to the COVID-19 response are currently able to apply to the register, through the employer route, if they are able to provide the apprenticeship training their organisation needs. We are now extending this so that new levy employer providers can also apply through both the ‘main’ and ‘supporting’ routes to the register. Any providers who have been successful through this exceptions process since its inception in April 2020 will still be subject to the refresh planned from May 2021.
Widening of other entry conditions
We are also widening the current set of targeted entry conditions to the register to allow more training providers through the ‘main’ or ‘supporting’ routes, where applicants can demonstrate they are catering to critical workers and have a linked employer’s endorsement.
The employer endorsement is a further step for ‘main’ and ‘supporting’ provider application routes that seeks to verify that any new training responds to an identified training gap. Applications will be reviewed within 10 working days to ensure there is sufficient evidence that they meet the critical worker and employer-verified training gap priority criteria.
If you are successful in proving that you will be delivering critical worker provision that is also verified by an employer as filling a training gap, we will provide an invitation through our Bravo application portal which will give you the ability to formally apply to the register. If you are not successful you will be notified by email.
All successful providers will only be able to deliver the critical worker-linked provision set out in their application. They will not be able to deliver apprenticeship training more generally. This is to ensure that new training provision enabled through the register is matched only to identified skills needs. If found to be delivering non-critical worker-linked provisions, you may be removed from the register under the conditions of acceptance.
Any provider submitting applications through any of the routes mentioned above will have 30 days to apply through the application route requested, from the date of invitation.
We will keep this approach to targeted entry to the register under review during the pandemic, and include any changes to the definition of ‘critical workers’ if they arise.
If you are unsuccessful in proving that you will be delivering a critical skills priority at this time, you have no right of appeal. You can reapply through the exceptions process 30 days after receiving the unsuccessful notification.
Ofsted re-Inspection
Providers that were previously graded 4 (‘inadequate’) by Ofsted but are overdue a full re-inspection, which has been delayed because of COVID-19, will be temporarily eligible to reapply to the register of apprenticeship training providers with an Ofsted re-inspection monitoring visit outcome showing that either “reasonable” or “significant” progress has been made.
Eligible providers will be able to apply in line with the widening of the register’s entry conditions effective from 1 March 2021, as detailed above. This exception is temporary while Ofsted inspection activity is limited due to COVID-19 and we will provide an update when this arrangement will cease to apply and Ofsted returns to conducting full inspections.
Removal of inactive providers from the register
Any provider that has not actively delivered within a 6 month period may be removed from the register, subject to any appeal, starting from May 2021. No active delivery means within a 6 month rolling period. This change is to ensure employers and apprentices have confidence that providers on the register are active deliverers of good quality training.
Requirement to reapply to the register for all remaining, active providers
To drive up the quality of apprenticeship provision, the government strategy is to progressively introduce more stringent entry criteria for the register. This will require all remaining, active providers to reapply to the register, taking into account a new set of application criteria from May 2020. We will operate a phased reapplication approach throughout 2021 to 2022.
Subject-specific expertise is essential to delivering high-quality apprenticeships that meet the skills needs of apprentices and employers. We are looking for providers to evidence their capacity and expertise and are considering how this may be required beyond the initial application process where providers wish to expand their delivery to new areas.
Your organisation can only apply once in a 12-month period.
If you have any questions, contact us at: [email protected]
The register of apprenticeship training providers lists organisations eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.
More information about becoming a registered apprenticeship training provider.
Apply to the register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP)
Exceptions process for critical worker – linked provisions
Organisations that are delivering, or planning to deliver, apprenticeship services critical to COVID-19.
Apply using the RoATP exceptions service
Other providers – refresh applications
All other organisations should use the RoATP service.
Published 14 March 2017
Last updated 13 May 2021 + show all updates
The page is now shorter, contains updated guidance and links to 2 application routes.
Changing Conditions of acceptance for training providers (until 9 May 2021) from a PDF to HTML document.
Condition 6 has been clarified in the conditions of acceptance document effective from 10 May 2021.
Page updated to reflect changes to the register of apprenticeship training providers.
Updated conditions of acceptance.
Updated to include information relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Updated conditions of acceptance.
Added further detail on removing a training provider from the register. Added updated application guidance.
We have updated the application guidance.
We have updated the application guidance.
The register of apprenticeship training providers is open. We have published guidance to help you with the application process.
Updated guidance about applying to the register of apprenticeship training providers.
Added information about removing an apprenticeship training provider from the register.
The register of apprenticeship training providers will close for applications at 5pm on Friday, 3 November.
The register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) is now open for applications and closes at 5pm on Friday, 27 October.
Added details about the register of apprenticeship training providers opening for applications.
First published.
This guidance covers the new digital service planned for release on 17 May 2021:
ROATP application guidance digital May 2021
Applying to the Register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP)
To apply to the Register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) using the Bravo system, read the guidance below:
Changes to the register of apprenticeship training providers
As part of the government’s continued commitment to improving the quality of apprenticeship training, we will be implementing a series of changes to the register of apprenticeship training providers (the register). Broadly, these changes are designed to encourage entry to the register only in areas of identified skills need, and to ensure providers remaining on the register are those who are most skilled and experienced, and are as follows:
- widening the current set of targeted entry conditions to the register to allow more training providers to enter the register where they can demonstrate they are catering to critical workers, and have a linked employer’s endorsement stating that the provision addresses the skills needs currently of greatest priority
- this will take effect from 1 March 2021 and will be kept under review as needed
- consider removing any providers from the register that have not delivered training over the most recent 6 month period
- this will take effect from May 2021
- requiring all remaining, active providers to reapply to the register, taking into account a new set of application criteria
- remaining providers will be invited to apply when the refresh commences from May 2021
Further changes will be announced in due course setting out how any new applications, beyond those linked to critical worker provision, will be invited. Consistent with the approach set out here, any future permitted entry to the register will be similarly targeted to identified skills need.
The key changes in more detail
Widening of the current ‘employer provider’ entry condition
As announced previously on 15 April 2020, any levy-paying employers delivering services critical to the COVID-19 response are currently able to apply to the register if they are able to provide the apprenticeship training their organisation needs (via the ‘employer’ application route). We are now extending this so employer providers can apply through both the ‘main’ and ‘supporting’ routes to the register also. Employer providers should now submit the following employment endorsement form (MS Word Document, 59.9KB) to [email protected]. This will take effect from 1 March 2021. Any providers who have been successful through this exceptions policy since its inception in April 2020 will still be subject to the refresh planned from May 2021.
Widening of other entry conditions
We are also widening the current set of targeted entry conditions to the register to allow more training providers to enter the register now through the additional ‘main’ or ‘supporting’ routes, where applicants can demonstrate they are catering to critical workers and have a linked employer’s endorsement (see below).
The full list of provision covered by the definition of ‘critical worker’ is provided on GOV.UK.
The employer endorsement is a further step for ‘main’ and ‘supporting’ provider application routes that seeks to verify that any new training responds to an identified training gap. A provider wishing to take up this opportunity will need to submit the following Conditions of acceptance effective from 10 May 2021 (PDF, 77.9KB, 3 pages) and to [email protected]. Any submitted forms will be reviewed within 10 working days to ensure there is sufficient evidence that they meet the critical worker and employer-verified training gap priority criteria. The application process will open from Monday 1 March 2021.
If you are successful in proving that you will be delivering critical worker provision that is also verified by an employer as filling a training gap, we will provide an invitation through our Bravo application portal, which will give you the ability to then formally apply to the register. If you are not successful you will be notified via email.
All successful providers will only be able to deliver the critical worker- linked provision set out in their application. They will not be able to deliver apprenticeship training more generally. This is to ensure that new training provision enabled through the register is matched only to identified skills needs. If found to be delivering other provision, you may be removed from the register under the new conditions of acceptance.
Please note any provider submitting applications through any of the routes noted above will have 30 days to apply through the application route requested, from the date of invitation. More guidance including application routes, eligibility can be found on GOV.UK.
We will keep this approach to targeted entry to the register under review subject to the course of the pandemic, which will include any changes to the definition of ‘critical workers’ that may arise.
Any providers who have been successful through this exceptions policy since its inception in April 2020 will still be subject to the refresh planned from May 2021.
If you are unsuccessful in proving that you will be delivering a critical skills priority at this time, you have no right of appeal. You can re-apply through this exceptions criteria process 30 days after receiving the unsuccessful notification.
Ofsted re-Inspection
COVID-19 has caused significant delays to Ofsted’s ability to undertake full inspections. Providers that were previously graded 4 (‘inadequate’) by Ofsted but are overdue a full re-inspection, which has been delayed because of COVID-19, will be temporarily eligible to reapply to the register of apprenticeship training providers with an Ofsted re-inspection monitoring visit outcome showing that either “reasonable” or “significant” progress has been made. Any eligible providers will be able to apply in line with the widening of the register’s entry conditions effective from 1 March 2021, as detailed above. This exception is temporary while Ofsted inspection activity is limited due to COVID-19 and we will provide an update when this arrangement will cease to apply and Ofsted returns to conducting full inspections.
Removal of inactive providers from the register
Providers currently on the register that are not actively delivering will be considered for removal from the register, starting from May 2021. No active delivery means within a 6 month rolling period. Any provider which has not delivered within a 6 month period may be removed from the register, subject to any appeal. This change is to ensure employers and apprentices have confidence that providers on the register are active deliverers of good quality training. Please refer to the conditions of acceptance effective from 10 May 2021.
Requirement to reapply to the register for all remaining, active providers
To drive up the quality of apprenticeship provision, the government strategy is to progressively introduce more stringent entry criteria for the register. This will require all remaining, active providers to reapply to the register, taking into account a new set of application criteria from May 2021, when all remaining, active providers on the register will be invited to reapply. We will operate a phased reapplication approach throughout 2021 to 2022.
Subject-specific expertise is essential to delivering high-quality apprenticeships that meet the skills needs of apprentices and employers. We are looking for providers to evidence their capacity and expertise and are considering how this may be required beyond the initial application process where providers wish to expand their delivery to new areas.
Further changes will be announced that will set out how current providers will be invited to reapply, and updated guidance will be published in due course.
Changes to RoATP conditions of acceptance
In addition to the changes to the current entry criteria set out above, the conditions of acceptance have been reviewed and updated. There are new conditions that have been added for all routes and an additional condition specifically for supporting providers. Existing conditions, where relevant, have been amended to reflect the changes to the RoATP process. The conditions of acceptance can be found on GOV.UK.
You should direct any enquiries from providers to [email protected] or our Bravo portal when applications are live or in progress.
The register of apprenticeship training providers lists organisations eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.
There are a few things you need to consider before becoming a registered apprenticeship training provider.
Applying to the register of apprenticeship training providers
- Choose an application route.
- Check your eligibility.
- Read the application guidance to check you have everything you need.
- Apply using the Department for Education portal (Bravo).
If your organisation is eligible and not currently listed on the register, you can apply. There is no deadline and the portal will remain open for applications.
ESFA will start to assess applications on the first working day of each month for any applications received during the previous month. It usually takes around 12 weeks to assess an application, but it can sometimes take longer. We will keep you informed on the progress of your application.
If your organisation is currently on the register, you will need to reapply. We will be inviting organisations to reapply in phases, during 2019.
If your application is unsuccessful, we will provide feedback.
You will be able to apply once within a 12-month period when the register is open.
Choose an application route
There are 3 application routes onto the register.
Main provider route
This is for providers who will directly deliver apprenticeship training for employers who use the apprenticeship service to pay for training. Providers that meet this requirement can also provide apprenticeship training to their own employees or those of connected companies and act as subcontractors for other providers.
This route is also for providers who provide apprenticeship training for employers who do not pay the apprenticeship levy using the contracts that ESFA awarded in January 2018.
Employer provider route
This is for employers that pay the apprenticeship levy who will directly deliver training to their own employees or those of connected companies and use the apprenticeship service to pay for apprenticeship training. Providers that meet this requirement can also act as subcontractors.
Supporting provider route
This is for organisations who will enter into subcontracts with main providers and employer providers to deliver apprenticeship training. This can be up to a maximum value of £500,000 per year in total. For organisations with no history of apprenticeship delivery according to recent records we hold, this is limited to £100,000 in their first year on the register.
Check your eligibility
To be eligible, all applicants must have:
- a valid UK provider reference number (UKPRN)
- a valid Information Commissioner’s Office registration number for education and training
- a registered UK business address
- read what you need to know about being an apprenticeship training provider
Applicants to the main provider or employer provider route must also have:
- been actively trading for at least 12 months and have financial information to support this
- the ability to train apprentices in the first 12 months of joining the register
- a management structure that has experience of developing and delivering training
Applicants to the supporting provider route must have been actively trading for a minimum of 3 months.
Applicants must not have an inadequate Ofsted grade for apprenticeships (or for overall effectiveness under its FE and skills remit where there is no separate apprenticeships grade) in their latest inspection report.
Application guidance
In your application, you must be able to provide evidence showing:
- who’s involved with apprenticeships in your organisation
- your financial status and ability to meet any financial commitments
- how you evaluate the quality of training and outcomes
- how you assess prior learning
- how your leaders and managers document and define clear expectations of setting high standards for apprenticeship training
- your employees’ experience in training including qualifications
- the process of professional development for your employees
- your plan for continuity of apprenticeship delivery as well as equality and diversity, safeguarding and health and safety policies
- how you engage with employers and your contracting arrangements with them (only main providers)
- the commitment statement template you will use to support the apprenticeships (only main or employer providers)
The application guidance explains:
- what you need for your application
- the application process
- the conditions of acceptance to the register that you’ll need to agree to as part of making your application
- what happens after you apply
Conditions of acceptance for apprenticeship training providers – until 9 May 2021
main provider and supporting provider form (MS Word Document, 28.5KB)
employment endorsement form (MS Word Document, 59.9KB)
Conditions of acceptance effective from 10 May 2021 (PDF, 77.9KB, 3 pages)
Template for your employees experience (CC-PP-12) (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 256KB)
Levy paying employer form (MS Word Document, 27.3KB)
Removing an apprenticeship training provider from the register
We will remove a training provider if they no longer meet our requirements. This includes removing a provider that receives an inadequate Ofsted grade for apprenticeships (or for overall effectiveness under its FE and skills remit where there is no separate apprenticeships grade).
This also includes removing providers who apply unsuccessfully to the new RoATP or do not apply following an invitation.
From 1 April 2021, Ofsted will become the single body responsible for the inspection of apprenticeship training provision at all levels. Please refer to this announcement for further information.
Last updated 10 March 2021 – hide all updates
Changing Conditions of acceptance for training providers (until 9 May 2021) from a PDF to HTML document.
Condition 6 has been clarified in the conditions of acceptance document effective from 10 May 2021.
Page updated to reflect changes to the register of apprenticeship training providers.
Updated conditions of acceptance.
Updated to include information relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Updated conditions of acceptance.
Added further detail on removing a training provider from the register. Added updated application guidance.
We have updated the application guidance.
We have updated the application guidance.
The register of apprenticeship training providers is open. We have published guidance to help you with the application process.
Updated guidance about applying to the register of apprenticeship training providers.
Added information about removing an apprenticeship training provider from the register.
The register of apprenticeship training providers will close for applications at 5pm on Friday, 3 November.
The register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) is now open for applications and closes at 5pm on Friday, 27 October.
Added details about the register of apprenticeship training providers opening for applications.
First published.