Funding and eligibility for ECF-based training
DfE funding for ECF-based training
We support schools with additional funding for ECF-based training. This is paid directly to schools and covers:
5% off timetable for early career teachers (ECTs) in year 2 of induction, for induction activities including ECF-based training and mentor sessions
a dedicated mentor for each ECT, based on 20 hours of mentoring in year 2 of induction
If a school uses a training provider, we also fund:
training delivered to ECTs by the lead provider or delivery partner, paid directly to lead providers
training delivered to mentors by the lead provider or delivery partner, paid directly to lead providers
36 hours of mentor time off timetable for training over 2 years, paid directly to schools
Schools that are not eligible for funding can arrange an ECF-based training programme directly with a lead provider, but will need to fund the programme themselves.
Year 1 funding for ECF-based training
Schools receive their core funding through the dedicated schools grant (DSG). We calculate this using the national funding formula (NFF). This funding is primarily based on pupil numbers and characteristics and is allocated by the local authority.
Funding is not ‘earmarked’ for statutory induction. It’s up to headteachers to manage the funding they receive.
Headteachers should use core funding to cover the cost of 10% off timetable for ECTs in year 1 of induction.
Year 2 funding for ECF-based training
We pay this funding directly to schools in the summer of year 2. It covers the cost of giving each ECT:
5% off timetable in year 2 of induction
20 hours of mentor support in year 2 of induction
We calculate funding using the average hourly rate for mentors and early career teachers, split by region.
Year 2 funding
England (excluding the London Area)
Inner London Area
Outer London Area
Fringe Area
Rounded cost per ECT
Rounded cost per mentor
We collect data on ECTs and mentors through the school workforce census to minimise the administrative burden on schools.
Backfill payments for mentor training
Read the separate guidance document on backfill payments for time off timetable for ECF mentor training.
Proportionate funding
DfE makes proportionate funding payments for ECTs who:
are on a reduced induction period
are serving a part-time induction
move to a new school or withdraw from induction during year 2
take parental leave
We will identify these ECTs using school workforce census data collections over the period.
Eligibility for funded ECF-based training
Eligible schools and establishments
Schools and establishments eligible for DfE funding include:
state-funded schools, colleges, sixth forms, children’s centres and nurseries
maintained and non-maintained special schools
independent schools that receive Section 41 funding
Eligible early career teachers (ECTs)
ECTs should be eligible for DfE funding if they both:
hold qualified teacher status (QTS)
start their induction on or after 1 September 2021
ECTs with qualified teacher learning and skills status (QTLS) are not eligible for DfE funding, because they are exempt from statutory induction.
How DfE checks the eligibility of ECTs and mentors
If a school uses a training provider or accredited materials, we have to make sure that everyone taking part is eligible for funding and access to materials.
When school induction tutors register ECTs and mentors with DfE, we check the teacher’s details in the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) records.
We check that the ECT:
holds qualified teacher status (QTS)
has not completed statutory induction before
has not started an induction before 1 September 2021
We check that the mentor:
does not have any prohibitions, sanctions or restrictions on their record
has not received funded training for ECF-based mentoring before
The school induction tutor can sign into DfE’s service to see the status of these eligibility checks.