Get financial advice for schools

A list of financial advisers for schools that need to buy external financial advice and what school leaders should consider before choosing a supplier.
Find a financial adviser
Find a list of companies that can provide financial advice to schools. The interactive version allows you to search for suppliers. The accessible second document displays the complete list as a spreadsheet.
The documents only include suppliers who have added themselves to the list, so they are not comprehensive. The services of these suppliers have not been checked by the Department for Education (DfE), so their presence in the list is not an endorsement from DfE.
Financial advice suppliers for schools: search for suppliers and service information (interactive version)
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Financial advice suppliers for schools: supplier database and service information
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 237KB
Alternatively, you may want to find your own financial adviser. or manage your finances without external advice.
Email [email protected] if you think a supplier should be removed from the list.
Selecting a financial adviser
You should always follow your own procurement process when buying goods or services. Read the buying for schools guidance on how to buy services for your school.
Before you approach a supplier, decide how you’ll assess their services, and what factors are most important to you.
- cost
- quality of service
- timescales
- supplier experience
- supplier qualifications
Choose at least 3 suppliers for your competitive procurement process.
Send them:
- your requirements
- the assessment criteria
- a response date
When choosing a supplier investigate:
- other schools or trusts for which they have provided financial services
- which members of their team will deliver the services
- the skills, knowledge and experience of the team
- how well they understand the challenges schools face
- how well they understand you school’s circumstances
- how long and what form their review will take
- how much they charge for their services
- what information you’ll need to provide them with
- how they’ll deliver the results of the review
- if they deliver follow-up support and what this would include
Register to provide financial advice to schools
If you are a financial services provider with schools expertise, you can add your details to the list.
Published 27 March 2019
Last updated 28 May 2021 + show all updates
Added an accessible version of the interactive tool listing the suppliers and the service information.
Added new version of the ‘List of financial advice suppliers for schools’.
Updated ‘List of financial advice suppliers for schools’ to include new suppliers.
Replaced document ‘List of financial advice suppliers for schools’ with updated version.
First published.