Land referencer

K1: Health, safety and well-being legislation. Company policy, practice and reporting methods. Back to Duty
K2: The elements of a typical land referencing project including structure, lifecycle, hierarchy, contact and non-contact referencing. The range of typical projects where land referencing is applied and the risks posed to a typical land referencing project (e.g. ransom strips, un-notified interested parties). Back to Duty
K3: The various stakeholders in a land referencing project. The importance of consultation and the purpose of public engagement. Landowner liaison processes, consideration of attitudes and behaviours. Managing conflict when engaging with project stakeholders. Back to Duty
K4: UK consent methods and instruments. Back to Duty
K5: Diligent enquiry: the definition of, processes required to satisfy and the consequences of non-compliance. Back to Duty
K6: The range of information sources, including paper and digital map data, and how this is procured to support land referencing exercises. Quality control standards and methodology. The unknown owner process. Back to Duty
K7: Digital tools used to inspect and report information. The forms of acquiring and recording information from project stakeholders. Back to Duty
K8: Types of public rights of way, identifying public and private rights of way, their boundaries and methods of identifying beneficiaries of private rights of way. Back to Duty
K9: Processes involved with identifying and requesting information from major landowners and statutory undertakers. The registration of ownership in land and consequences of unregistered land. Interests and land/property and the hierarchy of interests. Balancing and validating conflicting data sources. Back to Duty
K10: Agreeing access to land for surveys. Options and processes for gaining access to land through agreement, negotiation of licences or statutory notification. Back to Duty
K11: Agricultural practices, uses and interests in land, land classification, rural conditions, impacts of surveys and projects on agricultural land. Back to Duty
K12: Contact referencing and the methods that a land referencer would use to make contact with stakeholders before, during and post-site work. Back to Duty
K13: The process behind the production of land plans, order plans and bill plans including processes and options for setting up templates and working with the GIS team to produce plans. Requirements for land consultation checking of plans and ensuring consistency with other deliverables. Back to Duty
K14: Documents forming an application or bill such as book of reference, land plans and ownership schedules. Standards for writing plot descriptions for a book of reference. Back to Duty
K15: The definition, significance, identification and recording of special category land and crown land. Back to Duty
K16: The process of site notice planning, production, erection, maintenance and proof of service. Back to Duty
S1: Identify relevant legislation and the appropriate data extraction required to satisfy the requirements of the chosen consent method. Ensure compliance with relevant health, safety and well-being legislation, company policy and practice. Process personal information in a secure manner. Back to Duty
S2: Interpret information from multiple sources, including paper and digital, relaying in a coherent and clear format. Identify proprietors, types of tenure and rights over land, current beneficiaries and successors and unknown interests in land. Back to Duty
S3: Record information accurately and comprehensively, providing a full auditable trail of evidence. Use a Geographic Information System (GIS) for data processing and analysis, areas measurement and plan production. Back to Duty
S4: Maintain accurate records in accordance with company procedures. Back to Duty
S5: Build professional landowner and stakeholder relationships to enable effective enquiry, influence and negotiation. Prepare for, conduct and follow up stakeholder meetings and record minutes. Back to Duty
S6: Plan site visits to enable the required data collection. Back to Duty
S7: Analyse land features and how they impact or inform legal interest in the land. Back to Duty
S8: Serve notices, evidencing that they have been successfully served in accordance with relevant legislation. Back to Duty
S9: Monitor site notices and provide a prompt response to returned notices or queries from affected parties. Back to Duty
S10: Communication with a range of stakeholders via numerous methods including phone, email and in person. Back to Duty
B1: Adopt a professional approach to work, respect confidentiality and work collaboratively across multiple disciplines. Back to Duty
B2: Demonstrate an attention to detail when solving problems, taking into consideration people, places and environments and the relationship between them. Back to Duty
B3: Work independently, self-manage and prioritise work and own professional development. Back to Duty
B4: Demonstrate a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Back to Duty