Local Authority seeks trust to manage new free school

After winning a bid to the Department for Education to build a new free school in the coastal town of Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire Council is now encouraging interested parties to get in touch.
The successful bid to the Government’s £2.6bn Special Free School Revenue Fund was announced in March this year, and will see a new education provision constructed in Grimsby for children aged 8 to 19 who are in key stage 2-5 and who have difficulties with their social, emotional and mental health.
The Council and the Department for Education are now inviting applications from proposer groups to open the new special free school.
The local authority are set to host two engagement sessions on Wednesday 7 June 2023 for any organisations that are interested in applying to run the new school.
An in-person session will take place at Humber Seafood Institute from 9am to 11am, with a virtual session taking place on MS Teams from 3:15pm to 5:15pm.
If you’d like to come along to either event, or have any questions, get in touch with the North East Lincolnshire Council team here.
For more information on the process and the Council’s vision for the new school, click here.