Lord Glenamara Memorial prize winners

A list of the winners from secondary schools and sixth-form colleges from across the North East region since the prize was set up in 2012.
Lord Glenamara memorial prize: successful winners
The award was introduced in 2012 to celebrate the life and dedication to public service of the late Ted Short (Lord Glenamara), the former Secretary of State for Education and Science and MP for Newcastle Central.
The prize recognises pupils achieving academic excellence, as well as dedicating themselves to the service of others in their school and the wider community.
Schools nominate pupils in October and the prize winners are announced in December. The award presentation takes place in February.
Published 16 August 2018
Last updated 1 December 2020 + show all updates
Updated with details of the 2019 Lord Glenamara Memorial prize winners.
Added 2018 winner details.
First published.