Ofsted’s corporate governance framework

The framework outlines the responsibilities and procedures of Ofsted’s Board, Chair and committees.
Ofsted’s corporate governance framework
This document sets out the main responsibilities of the Board of the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (the Board) and of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (HMCI) and the Executive Board.
It outlines the Board’s and HMCI’s powers of delegation, the conduct expected of the Board and proceedings of the Board.
Published 1 February 2014
Last updated 16 February 2021 + show all updates
Updated as part of a regular review of the framework in line with best practice.
Updated following Amanda Spielman’s appointment as HMCI and her role as Chair of the Executive Board; changes clarify the Chief Operating Officer as being designated to perform the functions of HMCI in her absence and for the purposes of this designation to act as deputy to HMCI; changes to the committees of the Ofsted Board; changes to those executives attending HMCI’s Inspection and Improvement Forums (IIFs) and some minor changes that clarify the purpose of these meetings.
Updated to reflect minor changes to individuals’ responsibilities and job titles; changes to the committees of the Ofsted Board and their terms of reference; and minor changes to the administrative proceedings of the Ofsted Board.
First published.