This research examines the use of ‘pay thresholds’ in reward systems for private and public sector organisations to inform the School Teachers’ Review Body’s consideration of the teachers’ pay system.


Pay thresholds in reward systems report: July 2020

PDF, 6.47MB, 81 pages


This research was commissioned by the Office of Manpower Economics which provides secretariat and analytical support to the public sector pay review bodies.

The research organisation, Incomes Data Services (IDR), gathered a range primary and secondary evidence to examine the use of ‘pay thresholds’, including conducting case study interviews with a number of organisations. A pay threshold in this context is a point in a pay structure beyond which further progression is dependent on an assessment of capability. The report sets out the main findings of this research to inform consideration by the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) of the threshold between the main and upper pay ranges in the teachers’ pay system.

Published 23 July 2020