Safeguarding (JSP 834)

Safeguarding defines Ministry of Defence (MOD) policy for the safeguarding of its people.
JSP 834, part 1: safeguarding
PDF, 864KB, 39 pages
JSP 834, part 2: safeguarding
PDF, 317KB, 26 pages
Joint Service Publication (JSP) 834 contains direction and guidance on the safeguarding principles and procedures that apply to all people in defence, both in the UK and overseas and highlights that safeguarding remains a key responsibility of the Chain of Command.
It is designed to be used by everyone in defence and for staff who have particular roles and responsibilities for safeguarding.
The JSP is structured in 2 parts:
- Part 1: Directive provides the direction that is to be followed in accordance with mandated policy and statutory responsibilities
- Part 2: Guidance provides practical guidance to assist the user in complying with part 1.
Published 1 October 2020