School support recovery offer: coronavirus (COVID-19)

How school leaders can get help from system leaders to overcome challenges they have faced following the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
School support recovery offer: coronavirus (COVID-19)
This guidance is for schools facing educational issues or closure, and covers:
- primary, middle, secondary and all through local authority maintained schools
- academies and free schools
- local authority maintained special schools
- special academies and free schools
- pupil referral units
- alternative provision (AP) academies and free schools
It explains how school leaders can apply for free support from an experienced system leader.
A system leader is either a National Leader of Education, MAT (multi-academy trust) CEO, or teaching school lead who has experience in supporting schools.
Published 9 November 2020
Last updated 15 February 2021 + show all updates
Updated section on ‘support availability’ to clarify that support funded through this programme will come from someone external to the school or trust receiving support.
First published.