Statistics on secondary and primary school applications, including details of offers parents receive on National Offer Day.

Statistics from May 2010 onwards are available on GOV.UK. You can find our archived statistics on the National Archives. Note: the search function is not available on archived content so please use the filters on the left of each page.


  1. Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2020
    • Official Statistics
  2. Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2019
    • Official Statistics
  3. Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2018
    • Official Statistics
  4. Secondary and primary school applications and offers: 2017
    • Official Statistics
  5. Secondary and primary school applications and offers: 2016
    • Official Statistics
  6. Secondary and primary school applications and offers: 2015
    • Official Statistics
  7. Secondary and primary school applications and offers: 2014
    • Official Statistics
  8. Secondary school applications and offers: 2013
    • Official Statistics
  9. Secondary school applications and offers: 2012
    • Official Statistics
  10. Secondary school applications and offers: 2011
    • Official Statistics

Published 26 March 2013
Last updated 11 June 2020 + show all updates

  1. Added ‘Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2020’.

  2. Added ‘Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2019’ to the collection.

  3. Added Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2018 to the collection.

  4. Added ‘Secondary and primary school applications and offers: 2017’ to the collection.

  5. Added secondary and primary school applications and offers for 2016.

  6. Added ‘Secondary and primary school application and offers: 2015’.

  7. Added ‘Secondary and primary school applications and offers: 2014’.

  8. Added the announcement about the ‘Secondary school applications and offers in England’ statistical first release (SFR)

  9. First published.