Audio Brand ‘Majority’ Plants 85,000 Trees For Every Participating UK School This Earth Day

#EarthDayWithMajority – Schools From Across The UK Plant Forests Around The Globe For Earth Day
Majority, the Cambridge-based home audio brand, proudly announces that, in conjunction with hundreds of UK school children, it has planted 85,000 trees across the globe for this year’s Earth Day.
Majority challenged classrooms up & down the country to step up and show through social media how they were tackling climate change, with children from Devon to Scotland taking part. Kids and their teachers created art, wrote poetry, and drew pictures to highlight the importance of tackling climate change, and in exchange did something incredible.
As a thank you for taking part, Majority have since planted 1000 trees on every school’s behalf, helping to reforest areas of the world affected by climate change and over-farming.
Eddie Latham, Founder of Majority said,
“Majority is immensely proud of the work carried out by the nation’s children, and it has been great to see a huge ground-swell of activity to help planet Earth. We are utterly committed to not only off-setting our footprint on the planet but going above & beyond to educate and support future generations in our quest to become the world’s first truly carbon neutral audio brand.”
Majority Celebrates Earth Day With Audio Bundles For Green Schools
9th Apr 2021: Classrooms that create and share Earth Day posters rewarded with Majority audio products
Majority, one of the UK’s leading home audio brands, will mark the upcoming Earth Day on 22nd April 2021 by offering schools the opportunity to claim a bundle of audio products for their classrooms by raising awareness of the small things we can all do to be kinder to our planet.
Schools that create posters on how to be green and share them on social media using the hashtag #EarthDayWithMajority will also have 1,000 trees planted in their name.
From recycling tips and advice on collecting litter to saving energy and respecting the environment, Majority wants to hear from schools across the country on how they are preparing for Earth Day and in turn, Majority will send each school a Bowfell Soundbar, DX10 speakers and an RS1 microphone.
To take part, Majority is encouraging classrooms to create posters with their favourite green tips and ideas and share them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #EarthDayWithMajority.
Majority is a partner of Ecologi and has already planted over 130,000 trees across the globe. By helping Majority to grow its forest, schools can help to lower the amount of CO2e entering the Earth’s atmosphere and support local communities.