Bromley alumni gather for centenary celebrations

A host of ex pupils and staff came together recently to celebrate Bickley Park School’s one hundredth birthday – and shared tales of wartime, prime ministers and pop stars.
Alumni were tracked and traced from around the globe and were invited to revisit the Bromley school to collectively share memories. Old boys who’d been pupils during World War II, and as far away as Finland, came together to join four ex-Head Masters and the daughters of two others, for the day.
The oldest old boy in attendance, Clyde Britton, recalled a German bomb landing on the main building while he and fellow pupils sheltered in the cellar. Another told stories about the occasions when Prime Minister Harold Macmillan used to drop in for tea and biscuits with the boys, while one told of listening to David Bowie practising his music in his parents’ house which was next door to the school.
Current Head Master, Patrick Wenham, said: “This was a unique gathering, with former pupils flying in from as far afield as Finland. It was especially wonderful to be able to assemble Heads spanning over half the school’s existence.
“A joyous atmosphere pervaded the day with those attending sharing a common delight in revisiting Bickley Park and even enjoying a school meal together.”
This term the centenary was themed around celebrating the past. The Spring Term will look at how schools and learning will change in the future and the Summer Term embraces ‘Community’ with a massive street party involving the school and wider community.