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City Corporation gives green light to new Square Mile mental health centre

London Map

Residents and workers in the Square Mile will soon benefit from a new three-year pilot mental health centre dedicated to their health and wellbeing.

The City of London Corporation’s Community and Children’s Services Committee has agreed plans for the centre which will provide a range of clinical treatments to tackle mental ill health.

Although a paid for service, the centre will deliver subsidised mental health and well-being support for residents and workers on low incomes, improving access to treatments that are not available through the NHS.

The City Corporation will back the project with £451,000 in funding and commission a service provider through competitive tender. Following this, a full service provision will be developed.

Randall Anderson, Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Community and Children’s Services Committee, said:

“Supporting good mental health among our residents and workers is a key priority for the City Corporation.

“The availability and speed of access to some NHS mental health services can be limited, and some services – such as psychotherapy – are rarely available.

“City residents and workers struggling with mental ill-health will benefit greatly from this new service, with new quick and effective access to professional advice and treatment.”

The centre, which will be situated in Middlesex Street, will be provided rent-free by the City Corporation, which owns the site.


Notes to editors

The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally-successful UK.

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