Cornwall College Camborne students celebrate results

Students completing Cornwall College Camborne’s Access to Higher Education Diplomas have been celebrating after achieving a 93 per cent pass rate across seven different subject areas, with three subject areas achieving an outstanding 100 per cent pass rate.
“We are so proud to see our students succeed and it is fantastic to be instrumental in helping local adults, many of whom rely on local provision, to achieve their ambitions,” said Dave Linnell OBE, Cornwall College principal.
Peter Skilton, 24, who achieved full marks in the Access to Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Related Medical Disciplines Diploma, gained an interest in physiotherapy after he had to see a practioner because of an injury.
Mr Skilton said: “I fell in love with the job. The Access to Physiotherapy diploma at Cornwall College was the next step for me. Once on the course, I loved every second of it. The lecturers were open and got the balance between being supportive and treating us like adults absolutely right. I am really going to miss all the tutors and the students.”
Mary Lander, 25, who achieved a distinction on the Access to Science and Technology Diploma, faced additional challenges after discovering she was pregnant just two weeks after starting the course.
“Whilst I was heavily pregnant the programme was flexible enough to enable me to work from home which was difficult at times. I’ve been lucky; two very good children and organisation have made it possible. I was also able to use the crèche on the Camborne campus and they were fantastic. It was so handy having Sophie, my other daughter, on site so I only had to go to a single location in the morning and the crèche were always flexible with drop off and pick up times,” says Ms Lander.
(Pictured: Mary Lander with her newly-born daughter)