Grant letter to increase analytical capabilities of Skills Advisory Panels, that aim to better align local skills supply and employer demand.


S31 grant determination letter for Skills Advisory Panels: increasing local analytical capabilities

PDF, 549KB, 5 pages


Skills Advisory Panels (SAPs) will help Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs), the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) fulfil their local leadership role in the skills system. SAPs bring together employers, local authorities, universities, colleges and other training providers to:

  • work together to pool their knowledge and expertise
  • decide what skills are really needed across a sub-region

This will help ensure we match training to the jobs available in the local area.

This funding is to support each of the 36 SAPs to:

  • increase their local analytical capabilities sustainably
  • understand better their current and future skills needs and labour market challenges

A key part entails embedding the Skills Advisory Panels analytical toolkit to build robust evidence on local skills needs, wider labour market challenges and priorities, to inform their local skills agenda.

The Secretary of State for Education makes grant determinations under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003.

Published 28 March 2019