ESFA weekly round-up – Issue 389

Education & Skills Funding Agency’s weekly round-up of business-critical information to ESFA-funded colleges, other training organisations and direct grant employers. (31 Jan 2018).
Subcontractor declaration for 2017 to 2018
Organisations delivering ESFA funded adult programmes, including all apprenticeships and traineeships, must declare their subcontracting arrangements for 2017 to 2018 by Wednesday,14 February 2018.
We have now moved the process for collecting subcontractor declarations to the Skills Funding Service (SFS).
You will need one of the following SFS roles to complete and submit a declaration:
- Contract authoriser
- Contract manager
- Data returns and claims authoriser
Check the SFS user roles and permissions.
For further details you can visit our subcontracting page. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
End point assessment information in the ILR
Since August 2017, providers have been able to record in the ILR the end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) that the employer has selected for their apprentice.
On review of the December 2017 R14-R05 data, we have identified issues with the accuracy of the data returned.
It is important that the data input is correct; including the correct EPAO number for the EPAO, and that the organisation is on our register of end-point assessment organisations for the apprenticeship standard. If the organisation is not on this register, leave this field empty.
We are asking all providers to review their EPAO recording for both current and future returns. If you have any queries about this please contact the service desk.
Funding claims guidance and mid-year forecast
We have published the funding claims 2017 to 2018 guidance document. The guidance will aid grant-funded colleges, training providers and local authorities to complete the mid-year, year-end and final funding claims.
The 2017 to 2018 mid-year claim form will be available in the Hub from Wednesday, 7 February at 9am for 4 days and will close at 5pm on Monday, 12 February. The form will be pre-populated with your earnings following the R06 data collection return. You must add your forecasts for the remainder of the 2017 to 2018 funding year.
We have published a user guide to help you complete the form. For further information or related queries, please email the service desk.
QAR 2016 to 2017 – closure of provisional window
The closing date of the QAR 2016 to 2017 provisional window is approaching.
You have until 5pm on Friday, 2 February to review your data and inform us of any concerns you have about how we have implemented our published methodology; you cannot request fixes or adjustments to your 2016 to 2017 ILR data.
We will publish your final QAR data during March 2018.
If you have any queries, please contact the service desk. For specific data queries, please complete the data queries form and email the form to the service desk.
Opportunity for growth – non levy apprenticeships
You will be soon be able to submit growth requests for increases to your 16 to 18 and adult non-levy apprenticeship contract value.
This applies only to newly procured contracts that cover the period 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2019. We will issue another Update article confirming when the growth request form will be published.
Removal from register of apprenticeship training providers and eligibility to deliver apprenticeship training
We have published the approach that ESFA will take when an organisation receives an inadequate Ofsted grade for the delivery of apprenticeship training or overall effectiveness, where there is no separate grade for apprenticeships.
This includes:
- removing the organisation from the register of apprenticeship training providers, in line with the eligibility criteria for joining the register
- suspending the recruitment of new apprentices
- giving employers the choice to remain with the provider for apprentices that have already started training
This approach will apply to organisations that receive an inadequate grade from 30 January 2018 and provides assurance to employers that the organisations that appear on our register are capable of delivering high-quality apprenticeships and are fit to receive public funding.
For any queries, please email [email protected].
Register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) updated 31 January 2018
Providers that applied, to the third opening, to be included on the register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) were notified of the outcome of their application today.
The register has been updated to reflect this.
Get behind the national apprenticeships campaign
The next burst of the apprenticeships campaign, aiming to increase the supply of and demand for apprenticeships in England, has launched.
For employers, the campaign presents the benefits of hiring an apprenticeship via radio adverts and telemarketing, while young people and their parents are shown real-life apprentice success stories via digital advertising and social media.
Providers can promote their services and promote the businesses benefits of apprenticeships by sharing the and what it’s like to be an apprentice at links to their networks.
Join the conversation on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, using #hireanapprentice and #getingofar. This burst will run until Saturday, 31 March.