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Going for Gold

Irbaaz Ali

A student from Barking & Dagenham College (@BarkingCollege) has received an offer from Goldsmiths to study a BA in Art History from September 2021, fulfilling a long-held ambition.

Irbaaz Ali, 22, who is deaf, joined the College in 2016 and has been supported throughout by his tutors and the College’s team of communicators for the deaf. 

It was art that interested Irbaaz and since starting an art and design course five years ago he hasn’t looked back.  Having finished his initial course, he began a UAL Foundation in Art and Design course at the College.  Irbaaz enjoyed learning about the artists and the techniques they used in their artwork.  This was what gave him the inspiration to start looking into studying art history.

It’s not always been an easy journey for Irbaaz though.  As he explains:

“When I left my old school, I wasn’t sure and confident about my future.  I even refused to speak to anybody else for a while when I started college. However, during my time at Barking & Dagenham College my communicators and teachers have really helped me to improve my confidence and gain my independence.”

Irbaaz, who lives in Ilford, was thrilled to receive his offer at Goldsmiths.  As he adds:

“I was so surprised to have achieved an offer because I knew it would be hard to get in. I’m really happy.”

In the future, Irbaaz hopes to pursue a teaching career in the States.  This is something that the College would be delighted to see happen.  As Michelle McCabe, coordinator for deaf support at the College said: “We are over the moon and so proud of Irbaaz.  He really does deserve this opportunity and we know he will do well.  We’ve watched him blossom at the College, he is such a confident, friendly young man and we know he will go far.”

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