Health and safety: advice for schools

Departmental advice on health and safety covering activities that take place on or off school premises, including school trips.
Health and safety: advice for schools
Ref: DFE-00035-2014PDF, 254KB, 11 pages
This advice is for:
- school employers
- headteachers
- school staff
It applies to:
- academies and free schools
- maintained schools
- local authorities
- independent schools
It replaces a number of guidance documents on health, safety and security in schools, including ‘Health and safety: responsibilities and powers (2001)’ and ‘Health and safety of pupils on educational visits (HASPEV 1998)’.
It summarises the existing health and safety law relevant to schools and explains how it affects:
- local authorities
- governing bodies
- headteachers
- other school staff.
It also covers activities that take place on or off school premises, including school trips. Advice on driving school minibuses is now provided separately.
Published 3 June 2013
Last updated 13 February 2014 + show all updates
- A revised version of the’ Health and safety: advice for schools’ advice document has been uploaded to this page. Links and references to legislation have been updated.
- First published.