Preparing the workforce of tomorrow: Kaplan launches Digital Apprenticeship standards 2.0

@KaplanUK – When the new Apprenticeship standards were launched in 2014 one of their key aims was to provide courses that were suitable for the near-future workplace.
To provide a route into the growing Digital economy for young people entering the workplace and also for adults wishing to retrain.
And the initial set of I.T. standards that were developed did indeed take us beyond the I.T. ‘user Skills’ approach of the old Frameworks and helped establish Apprenticeships as a credible route into the new Digital economy.
However, the world of digital moves so quickly and the standards have become outdated and a review was long overdue. Trailblazer groups have taken the time to reassess and rewrite many of the Digital standards, making sure that they are truly fit for purpose and that they give learners and employers the skills that are most valuable.
This work has now completed and we are re-launching these new, new standards.
If you haven’t already done so, check them out below. They provide a great way of preparing your business for the challenges of tomorrow.
They also have a vital role to play in helping job seekers access the still buoyant Digital jobs market – providing opportunities for anyone to access well paid and rewarding careers.
So what’s been launched?
NEW! Data Technician Apprenticeship Level 3
The Data Technician apprenticeship equips individuals with the ability to source, format and present data securely for analysis. Apprentices will learn to analyse structured and unstructured data to support business outcomes, blend data from multiple sources and communicate outcomes appropriately to their audience.
Data Analyst Apprenticeship Level 4
The Data Analyst apprenticeship equips individuals with the ability to ascertain how data can be used in order to understand and to solve problems. Apprentices will learn the process for requirement-gathering, inspecting, cleansing, transforming and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions and supporting decision-making.
Data analysts may work in various departments within a single employer, (for example finance, sales, HR, manufacturing, or marketing), and in any employment sector, public or private, including retail, distribution, defence, banking, logistics, media, local government etc.
Business Analyst Apprenticeship Level 4
The Business Analyst apprenticeship equips individuals with the ability to understand the needs of stakeholders and how these can be met through business change and digital solutions. Business Analysts are solution professionals that help organisations deliver business and digital change successfully. This apprenticeship provides the skills and knowledge they need to determine and present technology solutions that deliver business improvement and benefits.
Typical job titles include: Business Analyst, IT Business Analyst, Agile Business Analyst, Digital Business Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Requirements Analyst, Business Process Analyst.
Coming soon (2021)
Information Communications Technician;
Software Development Technician;
Software Developer & DevOps Engineer.
We are so excited to be able to offer these brand new standards. So why not speak to us about how they can help you.
And make sure your provider isn’t giving you yesterday’s Apprenticeships…
Jason Moss, Director of Digital Apprenticeship development, Kaplan Financial