Sector-wide participation needed for new diversity and inclusion benchmarking study

The Inclusion Measurement Framework 2021 (@EUSkills) aims to provide clear evidence of where the sector, and individual employers, can take action to move diversity and inclusion forward.
The Framework, backed by Energy & Utility Skills, will measure inclusion across the themes of Leadership, Attraction and Recruitment, Retention and Progression. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current diversity and inclusion picture in the energy and utilities sector to help participants understand how and where improvements should be made.
Participation is open to all organisations in the sector and is free of charge. Anyone registering to take part between now and the end of August will receive a link to submit their data when the information gathering window begins on Wednesday 1 September.
Last year Energy & Utility Skills Partnership undertook the sector’s first Inclusion Measurement Framework where key results showed that only 29% of leadership roles are held by women and only 4% of leaders identified as being from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background.
This year’s Inclusion Measurement Framework will build on last year’s success and has been opened to every company within energy and utilities. Participating companies will be able to benchmark their data against sector, industry (e.g., water, power, waste, gas), organisational size and operating region.
This year there is also a standalone CEO survey. This will provide a unique snapshot of the views of sector CEOs on what leading on inclusion means for them as well as providing insights into their diversity journeys to become CEO.
Energy & Utility Skills is managing the project, with The Equal Group as their data measurement partner. Phil Beach CBE, Chief Executive of Energy & Utility Skills, said:
“Our commitment to the Inclusion Measurement Framework for the sector is such that for this year Energy & Utility Skills will cover the costs of the framework, so it is free for all to participate. I would urge all my fellow Chief Executives in the sector to also take part in the CEO survey, so the picture is as complete as possible. It’s vital that we understand where our actions can have the most impact on our sector’s journey to achieving a diverse workforce that reflects the communities it serves”.
Data submission closes on Friday 8 October and the results of the CEO Survey and the Measurement Framework will be released in December.
Register here to take part in the Inclusion Measurement Framework. The link to submit data will be sent automatically on 1 September to everyone who has registered, and CEOs will also receive the standalone survey to complete on that date.