SERC Student Adam Captures Pandemic on the Frontline

A Level 3 Creative Media student at SERC’s (@S_ERC) Bangor Campus has been making history with his photographs which capture working on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic at the Ulster Hospital over the past year.
Adam Middleton (19) from Newtownards has had a long-standing love for photography which was nurtured by his grandfather (late) Billy Middleton. Adam said, “My Granda passed away in 2019, but when he was fit and able, we would go to the Belfast Lough Nature Reserve to take photographs of the wildlife every Saturday. My Granda really influenced my love of photography and wildlife.”
Adam, who has been working around 2 and a half years part time as a Porter at the Ulster Hospital to supplement his studies added, “When the pandemic struck, I soon realised that we were all living through a historic period and it seemed obvious to me that what was happening should be recorded. After we went into lockdown, I started photographing what was going on around me when I could, the empty streets, the empty shelves in the local supermarket. I thought I would ask if it would be possible to document what was going on in the hospital and was so pleased that I was able to work along-side the hospital’s Medical Photographer, Paddy Comiskey, to capture what was happening. It has been a tremendous experience to tell the story of the pandemic as it happened in the hospital, documenting exactly what was going on for people outside. I hope the photographs will inform future generations.”
As for Adam’s plans, he said, “I am keeping my options open. The course at SERC was great in that it highlighted a few different routes I could take, it was very practical, but I think this past year confirmed that photography will be part of my future career.
As to offering advice to other students, Adam said, “It is so important to make connections with the people you work with, don’t be afraid to ask questions or to put your ideas forward.”
The collection of photographs is expected to go on display as part of a virtual archive by the South Eastern Health Trust within the next few weeks.