Skills agencies seek the views of employers to help shape future skills support

Employers across the South of Scotland are being asked to share their views on apprenticeships and work-based learning to help shape future skills support.
South of Scotland Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland have commissioned the research aimed at businesses with fewer than 25 employees to enhance understanding of their skills needs.
The research will identify best practice, areas for improvement, and consider new approaches to the delivery of work-based learning across key sectors in the region, including Food and Drink, Hospitality and Tourism, Engineering, Creative Industries, Textiles, and land-based industries.
The work will be informed by the recommendations of the recent OECD report on apprenticeships and other national and international models, with the aim of exploring how best to deliver work-based learning and overcome the barriers faced to employers in taking on apprentices.
Employers are encouraged to share their views on what would make them more likely to take on an apprentice or provide similar workplace skills opportunity. The research will be carried out by 31 March 2021 via a short telephone interview and all views will remain completely confidential.