Special artwork captures the spirit of Llwyn y Bryn

Art and Design student Flora Luckman has been commissioned by @GowerCollege Swansea to create a bespoke piece of work that captures the ethos and atmosphere of the Llwyn y Bryn Campus.
Flora has recently completed the Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at Llwyn y Bryn and is now progressing to the University of Edinburgh to study Illustration.
“As my final project, I chose to do a children’s book about the environment and traveling around the world,” says Flora. “Our Learning Area Manager Kieran Keogh really liked one of the pages, which featured a world map, and commissioned me to make a bigger piece, based around the multiculturalism of the campus.”
“Alongside our art and design, photography and music students, Llwyn y Bryn is also home to ESOL learners, many of whom came to the UK as refugees and asylum seekers and who want to develop their English skills,” says Kieran. “So it was really important that Flora’s artwork reflect and celebrate all our students, past and present. Llwyn y Bryn is a small campus, very close-knit, and I wanted Flora to really encapsulate that feeling into her work, which I think she has done brilliantly.”
Flora’s base drawing was constructed on eight separate sheets of A1 paper which she then brought to life with different washes of colours, inspired by the colours of the biomes of the world. Each figure was drawn separately, then painted with watercolours and lined with inks. Finally, she scanned them all in and patched everything together into one cohesive piece of work which will now be proudly displayed at the campus.
“It was so exciting to be asked to do this for the College and it has given me such confidence that I can take with me through to university,” says Flora. “It was such an honour to be asked and I hope I have done justice to everyone at Llwyn y Bryn!”
Gower College Swansea has recently been officially recognised as a College of Sanctuary, the first FE College in Wales to receive such an accolade.