Successful signatories celebrate at the Procurement Skills Accord Awards 2022

This is the first time the event has been held in person since the start of the pandemic.
Hosting the event was Phil Beach CBE, Chief Executive of Energy & Utility Skills, who was also joined by Tim Balcon, Chief Executive of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) as keynote speaker.
The Procurement Skills Accord (PSA) is an initiative to leverage procurement practices to encourage investment in training and skills development across the supply chain. At the time of writing, the PSA has 50 signatories.
The first half of the event featured a Best Practice Workshop, in which findings from the annual PSA sector report were shared and discussed, along with a series of best practice presentations from participant organisations.
Highlights from the sector report for 2021 include:
- Six new signatories to the PSA
- 23 signatories achieved a higher score than in 2020
- Number of people on apprenticeships octupled from 239 to 1,930
- 15.2% of operational and technical headcount received eligible training, up from 11.8% in 2020
- Much greater emphasis on an extensive range of initiatives and programmes to support local communities from Partners and Suppliers
The presentation of awards followed, and 41 signatory organisations met the requirements in their audit submissions to be eligible for the 2021-22 trophy.
Phil Beach CBE, Chief Executive of Energy & Utility Skills, said
“It’s been another great year for the Accord, and it’s fantastic to host our event for signatory organisations in person this year for the first time since 2019.
“I’d like to extend our congratulations to all the companies who received awards for meeting the requirements of the accord this year – it’s a high bar and achievement is a clear indication of your commitment to prioritising investment in skills development at a time of increasing challenge.”
Tim Balcon, Chief Executive of CITB said “I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen of the Procurement Skills Accord this year – there has been a clear commitment from all of the organisations involved into making skills count, and it’s my pleasure to be able to participate in this year’s event.
“Congratulations to everyone who has taken part this year.”
We would like to say congratulations again to these successful organisations:
- Alpha Construction Ltd
- Avidety Ltd
- Balfour Beatty
- Balmoral Tanks Ltd
- BGEN Ltd
- Burns & McDonnell
- Clancy
- David Carr (Durham) Limited
- Dunphy Combustion Ltd
- George Leslie Ltd
- Instalcom Ltd
- Keltbray
- Kier Utilities
- Lanes Group
- MES Transmission Services
- M Group Services
- Morgan Sindall Infrastructure Energy & Water
- National Grid
- Neary Construction & Rail
- Network Plus Group
- Northern Gas Networks
- Northern PowerGrid Ltd
- Northumbrian Water Limited
- O’Connor Utilities Ltd
- Omexom
- P.N.Daly
- Prysmian Cables & Systems Ltd – HV Division
- Public Sewer Services Ltd
- RJ McLeod
- Rockmount Utilities Ltd
- Scottish Power
- Scottish Water
- Siemens Energy Ltd
- Pennon Group
- Thames Water Utilities Ltd
- UK Power Networks
- VGC Group
- WGM Engineering
- Wood Transmission and Distribution Limited