T Levels – Industry Placements: Index of Resources

DfE have asked FE News to host their T Levels – Industry Placement Resources. Go to the Resources home page here, or use the Index below to find the help you need. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please email [email protected] for more details.
Timing | Task | Helpful Resource | For whom? | Description |
Previous Academic Year |
Identify courses which will involve industry placements |
How to Implement Industry Placements | SLT | Comprehensive guide for education providers on how to set up industry placements, including lessons learned from pilot |
Delivering Quality Placements | SLT, IP team | Brief guide on what principles and elements make a high-quality industry placement | ||
Plan staffing structure (how many industry placement coordinators? Job descriptions, recruitment process, line managers…) | How to Implement Industry Placements | SLT | Comprehensive guide for education providers on how to set up industry placements, including lessons learned from pilot | |
Create employer engagement strategy, including marketing material, how to “sell” the new extended placements. | Employer Engagement Toolkit | IP team | A concise document addressing challenges in sourcing employers for placements | |
Employer flyer | Employers | Marketing material introducing Industry Placements to employers | ||
Business Case for Industry Placements | Employers | A one-pager which makes the business case on the benefits of placements to employers | ||
Employer Information Guide | Employers | Comprehensive pack detailing how an employer can host industry placements (including a condensed version for micro-businesses) | ||
Plan internal processes:
How to Implement Industry Placements | SLT, IP team, curriculum staff | Comprehensive guide for education providers on how to set up industry placements, including lessons learned from pilot | |
Resolving Challenging Scenarios | IP team, staff | How to handle difficult scenarios like behavioural issues, refusals, objections, disengagement, or non-completions | ||
Plan student preparation content. Work-readiness training to include:
How to do Student Preparation | IP team, staff | How staff can prepare students for their industry placements | |
Launch with curriculum staff | Engaging Staff | SLT, IP team | Informative guide on how to engage education provider staff teams | |
Email to launch industry placement for staff | Staff | Initial communication from education provider on what to expect/key info | ||
Ongoing | Employer engagement: meetings/phone calls to sign employers up | Employer Engagement Toolkit | Employee engagement team | A concise document addressing challenges of sourcing employers for placements |
Employer flyer | Employers | Marketing material to introduce industry placements to employers | ||
Business Case for Industry Placements | Employers | A one-pager which makes the business case on the benefits of placements to employers | ||
Employer Information Guide | Employers | Comprehensive pack detailing how an employer can host industry placements (including a condensed version for micro-businesses) | ||
Line Manager’s Guide | Line Manager | Guidance and information on the line manager’s role | ||
Start of Autumn Term | Launch with parents/guardians and students | Engaging Students and Parents/Guardians | SLT, IP team, staff | Informative guide for providers on how to engage students and parents/guardians |
Letter to launch industry placement for student | Students | Initial communication from education provider on what to expect/key info | ||
Letter to launch industry placement for parent/guardian | Parents/guardians | Initial communication from education provider on what to expect/key info | ||
Presentation for Launch Event | Students, parents/guardians | Detailed presentation for launch event that provides key info and addresses FAQs | ||
Inspiring Students | Students | Marketing materials to inspire students | ||
Video campaign for industry placement launch | Students, parents/guardians | Marketing (pending videos from students) | ||
3 months before placement starts | Assess student readiness | How to do Student Preparation | IP team, staff | How staff can prepare students for their industry placements |
3 months before placement starts | Deliver student preparation | How to do Student Preparation | IP team, staff | How staff can prepare students for their industry placements |
1-2 months before placement start | Assess student readiness after student preparation | How to do Student Preparation | IP team, staff | How staff can prepare students for their industry placements |
1-2 months before placement start | Issue students with handbook and log books | Student Handbook | Students | Guidance and tools for students for pre-, on-, and post- placement |
1-2 months before placements start | 1:1 meetings with students to discuss interests, skills, any potential barriers (part-time jobs, carer responsibilities, etc.) | Placement Matching | Students | How to match students with industry placements |
Empowering Students to Self- Source | Students | Guidance/resources on how to self-source placement | ||
Minimum 6 weeks before placements start | Matching students to employers (factor in time for interviews, informal meetings…) | Placement Matching | IP team | How to match students with industry placements |
Delivering Quality Placements | IP team | Brief guide on what principles and elements make a high-quality industry placement | ||
Ongoing | Carry out employer checks: H&S, employer liability insurance | Health & Safety, Insurance and Safeguarding Guidance | IP team, employers | Legal compliance for education providers and employers during industry placements |
Minimum 2 weeks before placements start | Provide employers with a named contact at education provider as point of contact | Employer | ||
Minimum 2 weeks before start date | Sign industry placements agreements | Industry Placement Agreement | Students, employers | Template Industry Placement Agreement for student, employer, and education provider to sign |
Minimum 2 weeks before start date | Finalise and confirm start dates | Students, employers | ||
Ongoing | Monitor student attendance: have a plan in place for employer to promptly flag up student absences | On-Placement Support/Assessment | Students, employers | Areas of consideration and tools for providers once students are on placement |
Ongoing | Fortnightly catch-ups/1-to-1s with students to address any problems and assess progress | On-Placement Support/Assessment | Students | Areas of consideration and tools for providers once students are on placement |
Positive Impact Tracking Tool | IP team, employers | A template to capture successful industry placement stories | ||
At placement midpoint | Midpoint review of student at industry placement | On-Placement Support/Assessment | Students, employers | Areas of consideration and tools for providers once students are on placement |
At the end of industry placement | Final review of student | On-Placement Support/Assessment | Students, employers | Areas of consideration and tools for providers once students are on placement |
At the end of industry placement | Final feedback session | Post-Placement Tools | Students, employers | Toolkit for once placement is ending |
At the end of industry placement | Ask employer to give student a reference | Post-Placement Tools | Students, employers | Toolkit for once placement is ending |