Times are tough, but Innovative Alliance are here to support job seekers into employment

Supporting adults into employment through education and training is what Innovative Alliance are all about. As the recent challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic continue to impact our economy, it’s perhaps never been more important for individuals to take advantage of the services offered by Innovative Alliance.
It seems as though everywhere we turn during these difficult times, people are facing redundancies and businesses are struggling to retain staff due to financial difficulties caused by the impact of the pandemic. Thousands of individuals from some of the UK’s largest employers including Tui, Airbus and Rolls Royce, are now amongst the competition of people who are currently searching for work.
With that said, Innovative Alliance are using this as an opportunity to equip those whose need it with the skills and confidence they need to get back into employment. This could be anything from learning new skills to pursue a new career, or brushing up on pre-employability training that includes the likes of CV writing, cover letters and sharing interview tips.
Depending on eligibility, courses delivered by Innovative Alliance are fully-funded, therefore there’s no need to worry about costs of training. Whilst some courses are now returning to face-to-face delivery, there are a range of courses still available to study online. Qualifications can be achieved in a matter of weeks, at which point the tutors at Innovative Alliance will help to guide learners onto their next steps wherever possible. This could include further training or employment.
Employers and recruiters from across the North West are working with Innovative Alliance to provide support and opportunities for employment or further training.
Ian Green, CEO at Innovative Alliance spoke to us about how he felt the pandemic had affected the skills demand in the North West and what the training company are doing to help. He said;
“Employers have been asking us for a solution to finding candidates who have basic ICT skills and Business Admin qualifications, so we’ve put together an ICT course and a Business Admin qualification. Employers from the Warehousing and Construction industries have approached us for support in finding candidates with the right knowledge and qualifications to help fill the current skills gap, so we developed our industry-led skills solution.
“I truly believe that we are doing everything we can to support employers to recruit a skilled workforce, but also we’re continuing to lift people back up onto their feet and put them on the right track towards a successful future.”
Innovative Alliance specialise in providing adult education in the North West. Individuals can achieve fully-funded qualifications to support their next steps into employment in industries including; Customer Service, Warehousing and Storage, Construction, Health and Social Care, Business Administration and Hospitality and Catering.