Views sought on new Curriculum guidance

The Welsh Government has opened a consultation on additional guidance for the new Curriculum for Wales
The eight-week consultation includes further draft guidance and a code for teaching of Relationships and Sexuality Education and Religion, Values and Ethics.
The new draft Code and statutory guidance for Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) was developed with partners including teachers, experts, unions and faith organisations. The draft Code sets out the mandatory elements to be taught and aims to ensure transparency and consistency on how RSE is taught in schools.
Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) will also be a statutory requirement for all learners within the new curriculum. The draft guidance was designed by education practitioners and religious education experts, to assist teachers in developing the RVE content for the Humanities Area of Learning and Experience.
There is also a consultation on the amended What Matters Code, which sets out the 27 statements across the six areas of learning and experience on which schools must base their curriculum.
The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 became law after receiving Royal Assent last month.
The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, said:
“Covid has demonstrated why, more than ever, we need a new curriculum – putting well-being at the heart of what we want for our learners and enabling them to adapt and respond to an ever-changing world.
“I want to thank everyone who has helped us in developing the draft guidance.
“We welcome feedback from teachers, parents, learners and everyone who is passionate about education in Wales. The refinement of these key pieces of guidance will be instrumental to how lessons will be delivered in future.”