From education to employment

Access Free Cost of Living Support with Futures

If the rising cost of living has left you feeling worried, you’re not alone.  

In fact, you’re with the majority, as a recent study by PWC has shown that 86% of the UK public are concerned about their day-to-day costs and how they will manage as rates continue to rise.  

Money worries can have more than just an impact on our wallets – they can also have a significant impact on our mental health and wellbeing, which is why reaching out for support is so important. 

With Futures, you can access free, ongoing support to help you get back on your feet. Whether you’re hoping to delve into some new skills, find a way back into work after time away, facing redundancy, or just need a helping hand to manage your finances, we’re here.  

We can help you with:  

Getting back into work after time away  

Through the National Careers Service, you can access a wide range of workshops and support sessions that are designed to get you back into work. From one-to-one sessions with an expert careers adviser, to group sessions that tackle improving your CV, breaking into specific sectors, or even just boosting your confidence, you’re sure to leave with a spring in your step. 

Giving you the tools you need to improve your money skills  

The word ‘Maths’ tends to make some people break out in a cold sweat, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We offer free Maths courses at Level 1 and Level 2, helping you to freshen up your skills in a way that helps you – no algebra here!  

A maths qualification can open doors such as being able to apply for entry level jobs and apprenticeships, or it can just help you to understand your money a little better.  

Figuring out your next steps after redundancy  

Going through redundancy is never easy, and there’s no shame in needing support to help you with your next steps. That’s where our expert advisers come in. Whether you want jump into a new role straight away, take some time to learn new skills, or fancy switching up your career completely, they’ll be by your side.  

Breaking down your barriers into work 

There are plenty of reasons why someone might struggle to get into work – including physical, mental health or financial challenges. Through Well for Work, we’re able to support people facing these barriers and many more, helping them to get to a place where they feel confident and ready to take their first steps into employment.  

Building your skills to achieve a promotion  

According to a recent survey, 65% of employees feel that a salary increase is the most important aspect when looking for a new role. Whether you’re looking to change employers, or you want to climb up the ladder in your current company, we have the tools to support you.  

From identifying your transferable skills to enrolling you onto suitable skills courses, your next steps are in sight.  

If the rising cost of living has significantly impacted your mental health and wellbeing, please seek support. A great place to start is Mind, who have put together free resources on the link between money and mental health. You can find them here. 

Seeking support can be difficult – whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here.  

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