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Artist brings nature to College’s rejuvenated facilities

Established artist, Tom Hackett, will be bringing the outside in at Burton and South Derbyshire College with an exciting installation sculpture titled, ‘Another Green World’.

The sculpture will see a large group of white ceramic bird sculptures suspended from the ceiling of the entrance of the College’s University Centre reception, each fixed with a twisting aluminium bar to create a sense of movement and nature.

Accompanying this piece of work is an interactive sound piece, which will play intermittent bursts of birdsong when a touchpad is pressed.

Tom Hackett has an established reputation for his multiple sculptural installations, exhibitions and performative interventions at galleries of contemporary art and in the wider public situation. He makes sculptures across a wide range of media and concepts. As an artist, Tom is building a growing relationship with the College and Burton on Trent, this being the third project in the area he has undertaken.

The sculpture will be situated outside the College’s new Biome, a creative hybrid space with a focus on sustainability, part of a series of upgraded and revitalised facilities that are being delivered through the £3.5 million of funding through the Stronger Towns Fund.

Sustainability is a key feature of the project which has kept its environmental footprint low by using low carbon and re-used materials, which if needed, can be recycled or disposed of without polluting the environment. The white earthenware clay is locally sourced in the Midlands. 75% of the square aluminium used to create the curved linear forms is re-purposed from a prior installation exhibited at The Brewhouse in Burton. The aluminium suspension poles are recyclable or could be re-purposed.

Artist, Tom Hackett said:

“With the world in climate and ecological crisis, it is crucial that we as artists and designers work towards minimizing our impact and embrace sustainability through process, material choices and product longevity. Looking forward, the project also intends to have a wider creative legacy, as a catalyst and departure point for future student activity.”

Speaking about the sculpture, Tom said:

“Overall this artwork can be seen as a gentle nudge towards reconnecting the disconnect between us as humans and the natural world upon which we depend. Signalling a simple truth; we and the birds are very much part of the same world.”

He added: “Playful, calming and contemplative – that’s the aim. When you’re coming into a place to focus on creativity, you need to make a step change. Hopefully walking in and seeing the sculpture will be calming but thought provoking in a gentle way… and make people smile!”

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