GCSE Success for College Students

Today, Thursday 25 August, marks for many students another step towards creating their futures in higher education, employment or on an apprenticeship.
Young and adult learners arrived in their numbers today to be recognised and celebrated by college staff for their GCSE achievement.
Waltham Forest College offers the opportunity for many adults to improve their literacy and numeracy skills.
Adult learner, Lidiia Aristova, is celebrating her grade 8 achievement in maths. She said: “All my hard work has finally paid off and this has given me the confidence to take up GSCE English in September. I am truly grateful to my tutor for believing in me and for all the support given throughout my course.”
Amene Karimi, who also achieved a grade 8 in GCSE maths alongside studying her A Levels, will now be moving on to study Primary Mathematics PGCE at the University of Greenwich. She said: “I’m now one step closer to my dream of becoming a fully qualified Maths Teacher and look forward to starting my course at the University of Greenwich.”

Hundreds of learners sat GSCE maths and English exams this year, with many also taking vocational qualifications designed to help them progress onto their chosen careers.
Deputy Principal, Hassan Rizvi said;
“We’re so proud of our students celebrating their amazing achievement today. Not only is it proof of their commitment to succeed, but it also reflects the high-quality teaching and learning that takes place here at the College, particularly in supporting learners to create their future.
“We’re happy to see so many of our students progressing to higher levels of study which includes progression onto university, apprenticeships and into exciting careers.”
School leavers receiving their GCSE results as well as adult learners looking to enrol on a course can visit the College from today, August 25th to enrol on a course.
The College’s Learner Services Team is also on hand to advise and support those who are concerned about their grades and looking for a placement to start in September. For more information visit www.waltham.ac.uk.
Good luck!