How can your Continuous Professional Development be better supported?

Your professional development is not just important to you and the pride you get from teaching others, it’s also important in raising the profile of the FE profession.
The GreenField Organisation is working with The Education & Training Foundation (ETF) to better understand what is currently happening in this area and what improvements and innovations could make a major difference to the ways they can support you and the whole sector.
GreenField, who specialise in developing customer-centric and user-friendly strategies, want to hear and understand the sector’s views and aspirations to ensure they are fully represented in the recommendations that go forward.
Over the next few weeks a number of small focus groups, lasting around 45 mins, will take place with the aim of including a good cross-section of roles, views, perspectives and experiences. These focus groups can be scheduled on a Wednesday afternoon as part of a CPD allotted session or early evening so that they don’t encroach on teaching. All group discussions will be treated in confidence and all views are welcome. These discussions will provide essential input for a much wider survey in February. The link will be posted here, and the more evidence and input we can gain from you all the stronger the evidence that will underpin the findings and recommendations that go forward.
If you would like to take part in a focus group please contact [email protected]