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Unpacking T Levels with Gillian Keegan

Apprenticeship and Skills Minister Gillian Keegan

@FENews chat with @GillianKeegan, Under Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills, about #TLevels 

We unpack T Levels, particularly with the pilot T Level programmes starting this September, many learners would be starting the first T Levels this week.

Check out our podcast with Apprenticeship and Skills Minister Gillian Keegan on T Levels:


Gillian chats about how the Covid pandemic has affected T Level delivery, particularly the industry placements and the measures put in place to help learners achieve their 315 hours of industry placements (at least 315 hours, some T Levels on the pilot programme, such as those around Education, have significantly longer work experience options). She also explains what happens if the 315 work experience hours are not possible.

We then go onto discuss how DfE are helping employers and careers advice and guidance specialists be educated about T Levels, and goes onto explain the major differences between Apprenticeships and T Levels.

The Minister then explains how T Levels are a helping with the levelling up agenda for regions and socially disadvantaged groups and the BAME community. We also discuss the future plans for T Levels, such as potentially including adults and the key priorities for DfE with T Levels over the coming year.

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