Winchester Social Work lecturers bring their professional experience to podcast

Two lecturers from the University of Winchester are bringing more than 30 years of combined experience working as social workers to a new podcast.
In Different Perspectives Leah Cox and Caroline Nicolson discuss perennial and topical issues affecting their profession.
While aimed at people who are studying social work or thinking of doing so, it is the hope the podcast can be useful for anyone connected with any of the topics covered. Each episode always ends with a practical tip.
Caroline, who worked in worked in Children’s Services before joining the University, said: “We often signpost students to outside sources of information, and we wanted to add to this which directly links to our teaching here at the University.”
“We already talk about the issues covered in the podcast between ourselves, and this is a way of bringing more people into the conversation.”
The series began, aptly, with The First Knock, which looks at an important moment in any social worker’s carer – their first home visit.
Episodes two and three dealt, respectively, with hair discrimination experienced by Afro Caribbean people, and how to overcome any embarrassment when talking about sex.
Other episodes working for a community organisation rather than The Local Authority, the language used by social workers, and a discussion with a UK Social Worker who has previously practised in New Zealand.
Caroline and Leah hope to be able to respond to issues in the news and are considering episodes on assisted dying and changes to adoption rules which will give children face-to-face contact with their birth parents.
“The podcast does go down some rabbit holes of thought that we haven’t got time to go into when teaching,” said Leah, who worked as a social worker with adults.
“It’s allowed us to reconnect with some of past experiences and we’ve had some great feedback from students and practitioners so far.
“Both of us love social work and are very passionate about it and want to share that passion. But we are also both realistic – social work is a very challenging job, However, there should be joy and a sense of achievement in the job and we hope to convey that.”
Pictured top: Caroline Nicolson and Leah Cox