Mark Dawe discussing SME’s and Apprenticeships

This is part 4 of our series of podcasts with Mark Dawe, Chief Executive of the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP). In this episode, we chat about SME’s and Apprenticeships. Prior to the Apprenticeship Levy SME’s were the biggest home for Apprenticeships, post-Levy Apprenticeship numbers have declined significantly in SME’s.
We chat with Mark about his views as to why the numbers of Apprenticeships in SME’s have declined so significantly and what needs to be done to increase the numbers again.
We have called this our Wembley tour of Apprenticeships with Mark (as we recorded this at a 3aaa conference in Wembley). Here are the links to podcasts number 1 to 3 in the series (just in case you missed them):
In the first podcast Mark chats about End Point Assessment & AELP’s plans for the future workforce development.
In the second podcast in the series, Mark discusses pre-Apprenticeships and Level 2
The third podcast Mark discusses 20% off the job in Apprenticeships
We are rolling out one podcast a week between now and the AELP national conference at the end of June.
Please click below to hear what Mark has to say about SME’s and Apprenticeships:
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