Academy trusts: governance

Links to relevant guidance and resources for academy trust governors.
Statutory guidance and requirements
The links and documents below explain the policies that academy trusts must follow by law and their funding agreement.
Not all statutory guidance is included in this section as some links are listed under their relevant topic below. A list of statutory guidance for schools is available in the Schools: statutory guidance collection.
Safeguarding, SEND and pupil wellbeing
- Keeping children safe in education
- Statutory guidance
- Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school
- Statutory guidance
- SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- Statutory guidance
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school
- Statutory guidance
- P scales: attainment targets for pupils with SEN
- Statutory guidance
- Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006
- Statutory guidance
- Equality Act 2010: advice for schools
- Guidance
Model articles of association
School admissions and attendance
- Academy admissions
- Guidance
- School admissions code
- Statutory guidance
- School admissions appeals code
- Statutory guidance
- Admission appeals for school places
- Guidance
- School attendance: guidance for schools
- Guidance
Governance duties, skills, behaviours and knowledge
- Governance handbook and competency framework
- Guidance
- Governance structures and roles
- Guidance
Financial governance
Guidance, advice and tools to help schools manage and improve their resource management.
- School resource management: top 10 planning checks for governors
- Guidance
- Setting executive salaries: guidance for academy trusts
- Guidance
- Academy trust financial management good practice guides
- Guidance
- Academies financial management and governance self-assessment
- Guidance
- School resource management self-assessment tool
- Guidance
- Academy trusts: themes arising from ESFA’s assurance work
- Guidance
- Related party transactions: information for academy trusts
- Guidance
- Academies revenue funding allocations
- Guidance
- Academies financial returns
- Guidance
- Academy national non-domestic rates (NNDR) claims
- Guidance
- Capital funding for multi-academy trusts (MATs)
- Guidance
Academies year plan
- Academies planning calendar
- Guidance
Information for new academies and trusts, including changes
External reviews of governance
- External reviews of governance: a guide for schools
- Guidance
- External reviews of governance: what’s involved
- Guidance
Recruitment and professional development
Guidance on the support, recruitment and development services available to governors through contracted providers.
- Find volunteers to become school governors and trustees
- Guidance
- Academy and school governance: professional development
- Guidance
- Recruiting a headteacher
- Guidance
Sex and relationship education
- Sex and relationship education
- Statutory guidance
- Health and safety: advice for schools
- Guidance
- First aid in schools
- Guidance
- Fire safety risk assessment: educational premises
- Guidance
- Standards for school premises
- Guidance
Converting to academy status
- Due diligence in academies and maintained schools
- Guidance
- Academy conversion: important dates
- Guidance
- Academy and free school funding agreements
- Form
School behaviour
- School behaviour and attendance: parental responsibility measures
- Statutory guidance
- Behaviour and discipline in schools: guide for governing bodies
- Statutory guidance
- Use of reasonable force in schools
- Guidance
- School exclusion
- Statutory guidance
Alternative provision
- Alternative provision
- Statutory guidance
Teachers’ pay
Newly qualified teachers
- Induction appeals procedures
- Guidance
- Induction for newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
- Statutory guidance
School and pupil performance and use of data
- Schools causing concern
- Statutory guidance
- Understanding your data: a guide for school governors and academy trustees
- Guidance
- Home-to-school travel and transport
- Statutory guidance
School food
Data and information protection
- Data protection: privacy notice model documents
- Guidance
- Protection of children’s biometric information in schools
- Guidance
School complaints
Capability of staff
- Staffing and employment advice for schools
- Consultation outcome
Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS)
- Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS)
- Statutory guidance
Published 17 September 2019
Last updated 1 December 2020 + show all updates
Added a link to ‘Academy and free school funding agreements’.
Added ‘Governance structures and roles’.
First published.