Dear Editor – Ofqual responds to VQ criticism

In [a recent article ‘Colleges must start delivering relevant courses with good careers advice‘, NEF: The Innovation Institute CEO] Professor Sa’ad Medhat was quoted criticising, among other things, the vocational qualifications system and the rules that we set.
We agree.
Our recent review of the Qualification and Credit Framework rules shows that too often they get in the way of the development of good qualifications. That is why we have proposed removing the rules – our consultation on this is just about to close.
Instead, we plan to hold awarding organisations to account for developing and delivering good, valid vocational qualifications that meet the needs of employers, which all users of qualifications can have confidence in. We are determined that qualifications should not get in the way of developing a vocational education and training system that is as good as it can be.
Jeremy Benson is executive director for vocational qualifications at Ofqual, the qualifications regulator