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LSC Look at New Means for Reaching and Teaching Candidates

A pilot scheme has recently been introduced in an attempt to ensure learners successfully gain qualifications at Level 2. e-skills UK and the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) (Berkshire) are looking into new ways of addressing some of the difficulties faced by candidates.

It is hoped changes to the processes involved in delivering programmes at Level 2 will remove some of the barriers currently experienced. Low literacy and numeracy skills are a major setback for some learners. Improving ability in these areas is seen as fundamental in achieving better qualification results. In dealing with this challenge ITQ and e-skills Passport will be addressed together alongside “Life Skills” Improving these skills at the same time as developing candidates proficiency in IT is potentially beneficial.

Accurate Skills Important

There is a strong emphasis on the importance of having accurate numeracy and literacy skills. ITQ, the new NVQ for IT Users, is a new flexible IT user qualification which is recognised by employers. It is benchmarked to the e-skills National Occupational Standards. Using computers and IT software as a primary learning tool may help to maintain candidates” enthusiasm in subjects and encourage further development of course content. This should ensure students remain motivated for the duration of their studies.

Candidates will have successfully completed this package when they have been formally verified as achieving ITQ Level 2, Numeracy Level 2 Literacy Level 2. Learning will receive the appropriate certificates and e-skills Passport. The results of this pilot scheme will be recorded to allow through evaluation to take place. Methods of monitoring the impact of these changes in Level 2 programme structure include examining success rates. Feedback will be sought so the potential of this new programme can be correctly reflected.

ITQ and e-skills Passport workshops are taking place in nine English regions over March, April and May 2006. These events should are aiming to explain the scheme in full and the benefits of using IT to deliver programmes which improve the skills of Level 2 learners.

Mark Feakes

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