From education to employment

LSC strengthens top tier

Chris Banks appoints Frances O’Grady and John Cridland as Vice Chairs of National Council.
Frances O’Grady, Deputy General Secretary of the TUC and John Cridland, Deputy Director General of the CBI have been appointed Vice Chairs on the LSC National Council.
Both Frances and John have been involved in promoting the learning and skills agenda within their own organizations.Given their respective roles on the TUC and the CBI, the LSC believe that their input is vital to ensuring that the learner and the employer voice is heard at the highest level within the quango.
Speaking of her appointment as Vice-Chair Frances O’ Grady confirmed: “In this fast paced world, it is vital that individuals, whatever their background, have the opportunity to acquire the skills they need to succeed in work and in life. That is why I am pleased to be playing such a key role on the National Council and working with the LSC on this important agenda. It is vital – particularly as we transition to new arrangements – that we build on the success to date and continue to improve the life chances of individuals, through learning and skills”.
John Cridland agreed: “I firmly believe that a skilled workforce is a key component of any successful business. I also believe that we need to put employers in the driving seat of the system that delivers training for them.”
The LSC is also establishing nine new Regional Councils to ensure strong leadership at a local level as the organisation moves into new arrangements. It is expected that unions and business will have a key role as members of the Regional Council so that the learner and employer voice is heard throughout the LSC.
Chris Banks, Chair of the LSC said: “The LSC has done a great job and made real progress since it was established, and I would like to pay tribute to the people in the LSC: the staff and our non-executive members, nationally, regionally and locally; and all those involved in the Further Education system as a whole, for what has been achieved.
“But we still have a huge job to do. The responsibility for the education and training or re-training of literally millions of people rests in the hands of the LSC for the next 2-3 years and the best legacy we can leave is a system which is not only much improved, but which is able to continue the improvements in the years to come.”

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