From education to employment

TV Dragon opens academy

Young entrepreneurs across Yorkshire and Humberside will now be able to study for a qualification in enterprise and entrepreneurship after the National Enterprise Academy (NEA) launched at Sheffield City College.

The NEA, founded by Dragon’s Den entrepreneur Peter Jones, already has two other academies established in Buckinghamshire and Manchester, targeted at 16-18 year olds with a passion for business.

The academy is part of a network of 16 Skills Academies that aim to train 880,000 people during their first five years.

The new campus will give business minded youngsters in Sheffield the opportunity to complete a challenging full-time course dedicated to enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Mr Jones said: “The launch of the NEA at Sheffield City College marks an important milestone in our mission to expand our footprint and create enterprise hotspots across the UK that unlock aspiring entrepreneurs’ talent and potential.

“Together, I firmly believe the NEA and Sheffield City College can play a key role in helping to make Yorkshire and Humberside a leader in enterprise education and in doing so strengthen both the regional and national economy. Put simply, in the UK we need entrepreneurs to stimulate recovery, and businesses need inspired employees to help drive growth.”

Thirty-five places have been made available for the first year of the course, and those lucky enough to win a place will experience the NEA’s unique curriculum.

The course will include innovative business challenges; entrepreneurial master classes led by real-life entrepreneurs and an extended month-long business placement.

Sheffield City College hopes to build on the success of the NEA’s two existing academies.

Julie Byrne, principal of Sheffield City College, said: “Our young people are the future of the city. We want to support the growth of their ideas and businesses by providing a comprehensive package of support, and are thrilled that Peter Jones and Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable are supporting the launch.

“We have a strong track record of supporting enterprise and we hope that the NEA at our fantastic new building will raise aspirations and contribute to an enterprise led economic recovery in the region.”

Mark Astley

(Pictured: Dragon’s Den entrepreneur Peter Jones)

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