Barnsley College to hold Digital Open Days

Barnsley College is holding Open Days throughout the summer for anyone interested in developing their Digital skills.
A wide range of courses are available in Computing and IT, Games Design, Media and Photography, with some free courses in essential Digital Skills and Cybersecurity.
The Open Days are for anyone, from school leavers looking to progress in this exciting industry, or adults looking to learn new skills on a part-time basis. The College’s expert staff will be on hand to give you advice and support.
The first event is on Wednesday 13 July for those interested in Games Design courses, with another Games Design Open Day taking place on Friday 12 August. Both events will include information about the College’s links with the NextGen Skills Academy, which works to bring the Games industry and education together.
Media and Photography Open Days will be held on Monday 18 July and Wednesday 10 August.
Computing and IT Open Days will be on Monday 25 July and Monday 15 August. These events will include opportunities to find out about T Level, Higher Education and adult courses in Digital Skills.
There is no need to book to attend any of the Open Days, simply drop into the SciTech Digital Innovation Hub between 9.00am and 4.30pm.
Leanne Brunt, Head of Digital Industries at Barnsley College, said:
“We offer a very varied range of digital courses which are suitable for everyone, from 16-year-olds who are passionate about using digital technology to adults who may have very limited computing skills but are keen to learn more. Our courses include T Levels, which are a fantastic practical alternative to A Levels and Vocational courses.
“The Open Days are a great opportunity for everyone interested in what we offer to come along, meet our tutors and try out the subjects we offer. All courses are offered in our SciTech Digital Innovation Hub which offers excellent modern facilities to our students. We look forward to welcoming visitors to the hub over the summer.”