Coronavirus (COVID-19): attendance recording for educational settings
Link to the online form educational settings should use to submit their record of attendance to DfE, and supporting spreadsheet.
Educational settings self-reporting online form: frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Coronavirus (COVID-19): attendance recording for educational settings (Excel)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 65.4KB
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Coronavirus (COVID-19): attendance recording for educational settings (Open Document Spreadsheet)
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From Monday 23 March, educational settings will need to temporarily change their attendance recording practices and inform the department using this online form.
Educational settings that remain open are required to complete the online form every day by 12:00.
How to record attendance during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
To minimise the burden on educational settings and ensure that only the most important information is submitted, settings must:
Stop taking their normal attendance registers
Consider making use of the above record of attendance spreadsheet to record attendance for all children at the educational setting.
Use the information in the record of attendance spreadsheet, or from another source if the information is held elsewhere, to complete this online form notifying the Department for Education about your status regarding COVID-19.
The online form should be submitted by midday, each weekday.
The record of attendance spreadsheet is intended as a tool to help you with your register and is not mandatory.
If you choose to use it, you can use the numbers calculated in the top right of the spreadsheet to help you complete the online form.
You should not submit the spreadsheet to the Department as part of your daily online form submission.
For more information on submitting the online form please see this short tutorial video:
Tutorial for completing the online form for attendance recording
Which educational settings should complete the form?
The form is for:
- academies (including free schools and studio schools)
- local authority maintained schools
- local authority nursery schools
- independent schools
- non-maintained special schools
- pupil referral units
- university technical colleges
- FE colleges and sixth form colleges
- special post-16 institutions or specialist colleges
To complete the form, you will need to have a ‘DfE Sign-in’ account. If you do not have an account, you can create one.
Why do educational settings need to complete the form?
The fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.
Your data will help us build a national picture of educational provision so that we can focus support more effectively, monitor the impact of the virus, and ensure children are safe.
Published 22 March 2020
Last updated 3 April 2020 + show all updates
Updated attendance recording frequently asked questions with further guidance
Added school attendance reporting frequently asked questions HTML.
Updated page to include tutorial video for completing the online form
Updated page to include clearer guidelines on using the spreadsheet and submitting to the online form.
First published.