Employer incentive payments for employers offering a T Level industry placement

£1,000 incentive payments for employers who host placements between 27 May 2021 and 31 July 2022.

T Level industry placements employer incentive fund: funding rules
PDF, 172KB, 16 pages
T Level employer incentive scheme: employer conditions of payment
T Level employer incentive scheme: provider guidance
Employer declaration form
T Level industry placement incentive payment
Employers can receive a £1,000 payment for each new T Level industry placement that begins before the 31 July 2022.
To be eligible to claim for an incentive payment, employers need to have committed to working with their local school or college to deliver a high-quality industry placement and this placement must have an agreed a start date between 27 May 2021 and 31 July 2022.
Employers will receive the incentive payment from their local school or college, where the student is studying.
Further guidance for employers can be found in the general conditions. We advise all employers to read these conditions before making a claim for the industry placement incentive fund.
How to apply
Employers need to complete and sign the Employer Declaration Form and submit this to their partner school or college.