Every girl goes to school, stays safe, and learns: 5 years of global action 2021 to 2026

This plan sets out actions needed to achieve new girls’ education targets by 2026: 40 million more girls in school, and 20 million more girls reading by age 10.
Every girl goes to school, stay safe, and learns: five years of global action 2021 to 2026
Every girl goes to school, stay safe, and learns: five years of global action 2021 to 2026
PDF, 1.56MB, 24 pages
Education is a human right that supports other rights. It is essential for gender equality, lasting poverty reduction, and building prosperous, resilient economies and peaceful, stable societies. It also enables children to shape their own lives and realise their full potential.
Girls’ education is a particularly powerful investment; the benefits are wide-ranging enough to stop poverty between generations. Governments are building back from the COVID-19 pandemic and allocating funds to the activities that will have most impact. Girls’ education and gender equality are priorities no country can afford to ignore.
Using diplomatic, financial and expert resources, this action plan commits the UK to:
- shape renewed international effort to make progress on the 2030 Education UN Sustainable Development Goal. This includes obtaining support for 2 new global targets on girls’ school access and learning, and tracking progress; and continuing to press for more and better targeted international education finance
- mobilise our network of British ambassadors and high commissioners to support committed national governments to increase efforts to get girls into school and learning. This also includes broadening and deepening the impact of our Girls’ Education Campaign, and bringing together partner governments who have made progress to share their experience.
- pioneer global public goods for education. This involves developing and using evidence about what works to support governments to make bold reforms, ensuring we provide better support for marginalised girls
Read the related press release: PM unveils new aid for girls education to prevent pandemic ‘lost generation’.
Published 12 May 2021