Further details about reforms to subcontracting education for learners over 16

Information on subcontracting reforms for providers of post-16 education and training, who subcontract ESFA funding.
Reforms to subcontracting education for learners over 16
Annex A: Role of those charged with governance in subcontracting
Annex B: Distance subcontracting requests form
ODT, 38.8KB
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Annex C: Making a case to maintain current subcontracting
ODT, 37.6KB
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Annex D: Whole programme subcontracting requests form
ODT, 38.3KB
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This page is for providers engaged in subcontracting relationships or a provider looking to enter into new subcontracting arrangements.
The guidance provides further detail about the 3 year reform programme to post-16 ESFA funded subcontracted provision.
It includes specific guidance for those charged with governance and templates to make requests to ESFA by Monday 31 May 2021.
Published 4 March 2021