GCSE, AS and A level: Autumn and November 2020 exam series

Main trends related to entries, certificates, requests for modified papers, applications for special consideration, and malpractice offences and penalties.
GCSE, AS and A level: Autumn and November 2020 exam series
Ref: Ofqual/21/6789HTML
This publication presents figures on a number of topics relating to theautumn 2020 exam series for GCSEs, AS and A levels and the November 2020exam series for GCSEs in English language and maths in England.
In this report, figures for the November 2020 series relate only to GCSEEnglish language and maths, as only GCSEs in those subjects could betaken in that series. The autumn 2020 series covers other GCSE subjectsas well as AS and A levels.
Exams were cancelled in summer 2020 following the closure of schools andcolleges to most students, as part of the response to the coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic. As part of the exceptional arrangements for examgrading and assessment in2020,students ultimately received the higher of a centre assessment grade orcalculated grade for GCSE, AS and Alevel.The autumn series was put in place to give private candidates who hadbeen unable to receive a grade in the summer the opportunity to do so.The autumn series also allowed students who were disappointed with theirgrade in the summer the opportunity to improve their grade. The Novemberexam series occurs every year.
Published 25 May 2021