Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Guidance for parents and carers of children attending community activities, holiday or after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school settings.
Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This guidance is for parents and carers and covers changes to:
- after-school clubs
- holiday clubs
- tuition
- community activities
- other out-of-school settings for children and young people aged 5 and over
Published 1 July 2020
Last updated 20 May 2021 + show all updates
We have converted the guidance to HTML to make it easier to read. We have not changed any of the guidance from the update on 10 May.
Updated to provide additional guidance on residential visits, which can commence from Step 3. Updated the guidance on use of face coverings, indoor group sizes and parental attendance at out-of-school settings.
We have updated advice on the use of face coverings in schools and out-of-school settings and added new guidance on test and trace support payments. We have also removed information on who can attend out-of-school settings prior to 29 March and updated information to reflect the commencement of step 2 of the COVID-19 response – spring 2021.
Changes made to the sections ‘Bubbles and group sizes’ and ‘Children with health concerns’.
Removed old guidance for before 8 March. Added a new section about asymptomatic testing.
Updated the guidance to outline who can attend out-of-school settings and what precautions parents who are sending their children to these settings should take from 8 March. Added a new section on face coverings.
Updated the section on choosing after-school clubs and out-of-school activities to make it clear that parents should try to limit the number of settings their children attend as far as possible.
Updated ‘Who should attend after-school clubs and out-of-school settings’, ‘Children with health concerns’ and ‘Live performances’ sections to reflect national lockdown guidance.
Updated to reflect changes to the contingency framework and the January 2021 return to school guidance.
Updated to reflect new local restriction tier 4 (stay at home) requirements and attendance at out-of-school settings during the first week of term in January 2021.
Updated sections on ‘Children with health concerns’ and ‘Live performances of children’s dance, music and drama’. Added section on ‘Parent and child groups’.
Added links to new national restrictions guidance.
Updated with information about local COVID alert levels.
Updated to remove out of date summer references.
Coronavirus (COVID 19) update for autumn term including new section on live performances.
Updated content to make clear that children will be able to attend all types of dance classes. Also, that clubs and activities for children will only be able to operate in those premises legally able to open.
First published.