Phonics screening check data collection 2020: guide

Guide for local authorities to help them complete and return the 2020 phonics screening check data collection.
Phonics screening check 2020: data collection guide
PDF, 248KB, 12 pages
This guide contains information for local authorities to help them collect and submit phonics screening check data collection returns from all maintained schools, academies, special schools and free schools in their regions.
It includes:
- which schools are in the scope of the collection
- which pupils are in the scope of the collection
- what data needs to be submitted
- a data collection timetable
- data reporting formats
- recording and reporting options
Read more guidance about submitting data for the 2020 phonics screening check data collection.
Phonics teaches people to read by relating sounds with letters and words. The phonics screening check is designed to check whether pupils understand phonics to an appropriate standard.
Published 18 November 2020